The Dangers of Weight Loss

Obsession with weight loss can be devastating, and may even be dangerous. The fear of fat has driven many individuals to take drastic, and even dangerous, measures aimed at weight loss Side Effects Of SARMs.

Obsession with weight loss and dieting has become a national crisis. The health hazards and dangers of weight loss are not to be taken lightly.

Weight loss is a health-related endeavor. As such, it should be subject to accountability, clinical testing, and stringent regulation. Unfortunately, this is not the case diet pills over the counter. As a result, high-risk patients are often given high-risk treatments.

The only explanation for the above phenomenon is that the billion-dollar weight loss industry and its entrenchment with Congress policy makers are all behind it. They want you to lose weight to the extent of completely disregarding the health hazards and dangers of weight loss.

Dieting and weight loss are the goals of many individuals. But beware! Overweight is bad enough for your health, but overcoming overweight may be even worse Best Weight loss pills for women. It could be a case of jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Indeed, weight loss can be dangerous, and even deadly.